Letter to the Editor

Letter to Editor

What does responsible dog ownership mean?

This Letter was sent to New Castle News on March 23, 2022.

Dogs and children must have constant supervision

A reminder to all owners of dogs: 1) an ADULT should always be the supervisor of the dog, not a child! 2) All dogs can bite, regardless of whether the owner thinks it doesn’t.

One simple irresponsible lapse in judgment can result in devastating consequences to either the dog handler or the dog. Having and caring for a dog should not be taken lightly.

This letter is being written because for the second time, I have been attacked in my neighborhood by irresponsible dog owners, each time requiring medical assistance.  The last attack occurred on March 10.  A careless owner allowed her young son to let their dog out, a German Shepard and it attacked me and my dog.  I was able to protect our dog, but I took the brunt of the attack, requiring 15 stitches and loss of work time, not to mention the mental trauma of having to go through such an ordeal, twice!

So, I say again ~ supervise your dogs and your children. Each deserves your undivided attention.

Unfortunately, this letter to the editor will not reach all those that it should.  I urge our elected officials to please do what is necessary to protect the citizens of our city.

Responsible Dog Owner: Always keep your dog on a leash and under the control of a responsible adult when outside of the yard.

Prevent implies taking advance measures against something possible or probable – Webster Thesaurus

Dogs deserve care and compassion.    Sometimes terrible things happen, but when an owner is negligent two times within 2 weeks and another attack occurs.  What does this say about Dog Laws?  You should not have to be afraid in your own neighborhood because an irresponsible dog owner continues to be negligent.

The circumstances could have ended differently. Because of the lack of being a responsible dog owner failed in this dog’s life.  

These 2 attacks may have been prevented with adult supervision and a leash.  Nobody knows for sure but the choices we make today do affect the rest of our lives. 

“There’s no such thing as a bad dog, just a bad owner” ~ John Grogan

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